Thursday, April 9, 2015

Final #3: Group 3D Building Project

This was the very beginning when we were planning what to build. While we were talking I was clearing some of the grass to make an open space. It was hard to get everyone together at first. We ended up splitting up, but it worked out.

This was me building the floor with the half sized stone blocks. Many of us were helping with this task.

I added some torches around the building for some light and also filled in the layer of stone blocks that were missing.

This is just a screen shot of what the inside looked like without the roof

The walls are made of different materials and I added more light

Helped build the brick ceiling.

Then I was helping another team member build a glass enclosure on the roof.

This is what is looked like from the inside. My partner add the beds.

leveling off some of the backyard with grass blocks

fixing the ground around the pool/lake

adding more light outside

adding some light around the patio

and some light around another pool

levels the land around these structures

some group pictures at the end 

adding some light around the farm

This is final #3 where we needed to work with a team in Minecraft to construct a building. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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